C7 Commercial Margin Float


  • All balsa construction with no tips or inserts
  • Stainless Steel side eyes
  • Medium length glass fibre stem
  • Guide to sizes: 0.2g, 0.3g, 0.4g
  • Approximate lengths 90mm to 105mm
SKU: VFPC07 Category:

C7 are like an elongated Dibber type float. Longer than a more traditional, bulbous Dibber but still only about 90mm to 104mm long. As with all floats you can still trim the stems if you want them even shorter.

These are more sensitive than fatter Dibber floats like C8 for example as the tops, although all balsa with no insterts, are machined down to make a thinner shape and more of a tip. These are a great choice for margin fishing or across towards features etc but, unless the depth suits, not right in amongst or underneath vegetation. There are shorter floats which are usually better suited to that. The tips will still support decent baits – after all Balsa is very buoyant – but these are a more refined type of all balsa Dibber and very versatile.

Edge Tackle TV

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